Every teacher, like every person, has their own little quirks and intricacies. But when you are in charge of people, those flaws seem to be a little bit more prevalent. So, in an effort to share my own feelings on the matter, I present the 5 things about teachers that drive me nuts.
5. Saying "I'm a hard grader" while laughing.
What they really mean here is that "I think all of your work sucks. No matter what you write, it cannot be as good as what I can write, or Hemingway, or Frost,; so if I gave you an A it would really hurt my status as the school douche." Now, I understand if you don't try hard and you get a meager grade. But if you work your ass off, meet with the teacher one on one, and do any sort of extra credit, you're still gonna get a B. Oh, and that B in Freshman English, a core class, while I'm a Bio major isn't exactly the coolest thing ever. In face, it drives me nuts.
4. Agreeing with kids when they are clearly retarded.
This makes me laugh all the time. How many times has some loony raised his hand during a discussion and said the stupidest shit you've ever heard? And the Professor doesn't have the balls to say, "Hey, Johnny, shut the fuck up if you ever wanna be called on again." But no, they twist what they say around until it has no resemblance to what the student said. Its actually funny to see just how good some teachers are doing it. The sad part is the stupid kid still thinks he was right.
3. Giving you preliminary essays to "get the feel for you."
Listen, if I wanted for you to get the feel for me, Mr. Jones, I'd go to Catholic School. Regardless that I do go to a Catholic School, why the hell do I have to write some meaningless essay? What feel can you possibly get? Can you sense just how much I don't want to write this essay, which does not count for anything? It's not like I have some signature style and prose that you need a freaking warm-up to get ready for my first essay. Next time, save the essay and I'll try to not freak you out too much on my real first essay.
2. Showing up 5 minutes before we are allowed to leave.
Some schools have a rule that you can leave if the professor does not show up for the first 20 minutes of class. This rule goes out to the assholes who show up after 18 minutes.
1. Forgetting I celebrate every Jewish holiday.
That's right, Mr. McDonnel, today is Shanah Tovah. And next week is Bar Mazvah. And the following week my Grandma is coming down (that's a holiday for Jews, by the way). So, I am afraid I cannot do any homework or take any tests for the next couple of weeks. I mean, It's not like I complain during Christmas, when you have a break. Actually that's a lie. The Sesame Chicken tends to be a little dry. Also, the schlepp to the movies...
hahahaha favee.